
Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Tea: Jasmine Green

Music: Sonata No. 2 in A Minor by Bach

"I’m giving myself permission to post whatever the hell I want, so I can just get past the internal gatekeeper slash critic who prevents me from using the one space on the Internet that is entirely mine." - Will Wheaton

From his blog which you can find here.

I have started many blogs and they have fallen by the wayside because I either tried to follow what seemed like good advice about being a niche voice, or I was trying too hard to come up with brilliant posts.

And I forgot that this place on the internet is entirely mine.

Rather, I hope that it is entirely ours.

Back in July of 2016, I got a new job at a place that highly values community and I was like "Ok, sure. Community is good. But I'm here to do a job." I very quickly learned just how important community is and the difference it could make. It's not just a good thing for a blog or an author or readers. It's THE thing. It is exactly what I want for this blog.

So please join me here in this space, and know that you are welcome to feel at home here. I hope to foster a little pocket of community where we can explore and get excited about many things, have fun, educate one another, etc.

I'll admit I don't really know how to do that yet, but I'm going to be thinking about it a lot in the next few weeks. If you have any suggestions on ways to make this space more welcoming and more community oriented, I would love to hear from you.

Excited to build this space together.


  1. I agree, community is important. You mentioned that your job has helped you see the importance of community. In what way?

  2. It's in lots of little ways, but mostly they treat community as serious business...literally. We have meetings that have no other purpose than to build community, and that speaks volumes to how important it is. It has made a huge difference in my professional and personal life and I've found parts of myself blossoming in that environment that never were allowed to grow before. It's amazing what being in the right environment will produce, and an environment of strong community is amazing at opening people up to reach their full potential.
